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SAP will provide all SAP Notes in the SAP ONE Support Launchpad digitally signed. This is to increase the security when the updates are loaded. If you have unsigned SAP hints, there is a risk that the notice has been changed unnoticed and malicious code will be added to your SAP system when you install the notice. This poses a significant threat to the SAP system, which is why the digitally signed provision of the clues is an important improvement. However, to use digitally signed notes in your system, you will need to take a few steps to prepare them. If you install SAPCAR version 7.2 or later and have a user with the necessary permissions, all you have to do is insert the Note 2408073 into your system and do the manual pre- and post-processing. A digital signature technically ensures that any change can be detected at the notice and can be checked by the system to see if the present note, which is to be inserted into the system, is unchanged. Prerequisites to use digitally signed SAP hints To prepare your SAP system for digitally signed clues, you first have to meet some requirements: Digital signed SAP hints are provided as SAR files. The SAR files are unpacked with SAPCAR and checked for their digital signature. SAPCAR must be available on the Application Server in version 7.20 or higher. Therefore, it is strongly advised to update SAPCAR. If SAPCAR is not at least in version 7.20, the digital signature verification fails and the message cannot be unzipped. Installation of the digitally signed clue is then not possible. The implementing user also needs some permissions to perform the necessary manual pre- and post-processing of the note on the system: Authentication for the transaction SLG1 Read permission for the S_APPL_LOG permission to write and delete data from the application directory Upgrade the SAPCAR version on your system to version 7.20 or higher SAP basis version 700 or higher, for older versions the notice must be inserted manually If you have met these requirements, you can use the implementation of note 24080 Start 73. Implementation SAP Note number 2408073.

Using various user, administration and monitoring tools, the SAP Basis system is controlled and managed by an administrator, who is thus responsible for its trouble-free operation. Many companies hand over these tasks to an external service provider.
Error analysis
Our SAP Basis trainings and courses originate from our practical work in companies. All SAP Basis trainings for system administration and administrators are conducted by SAP certified experts, who know what they are talking about, because they mainly realize SAP projects at our customers.

On the one hand, staff clerks (or other personnel officials) should be able to carry out their important work. On the other hand, the protection of personal data of one's own employees is one of the most important tasks of the authorisation system. Any mistake in this area can cause the company's data protection officers to wring their hands over their heads. For this reason, tools are currently being developed to provide security and visibility in the HR permissions area. The basic idea is a clear overview that shows which data certain users in the SAP system can access. Based on this, automatic checks can be developed, which run in the background and regularly check whether critical gaps have been created by changes to the permissions in the HR area. The use of such a tool can create more security, especially in the HR authorisation environment. In addition, the possibility of the overview function is very pleasant and relieving for all involved. Read more This blog post is intended to show what is already possible in the field of Security Automation. The topic will accompany us more and more in the SAP area in the next few years. Therefore, it is recommended to start thinking about how your company is prepared for security automation. If you are interested in setting up and preparing a company outside the security area, I can recommend the book 'Consulting Y' by Ferdinando Piumelli (Managing Director of mindsquare GmbH). In this book, Mr. Piumelli describes his observations and experiences of digital transformation as a strategy consultant for leading DAX30 companies. In doing so, he is focusing on the near future, which, in the spirit of the digital revolution, will have a major impact on the world's large companies and economy.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many tasks in the area of the SAP basis much easier.

The steps are detailed in the note itself and in a document attached to the note.

On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.

Therefore, a structured and comprehensive approach is of high importance.
SAP Stuff
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