SAP Basis Layer Description - SAP Stuff

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Layer Description
ST22 ABAP runtime error
Finally, the presentation layer contains software components for the graphical presentation of the application. It thus forms the interface to the users (GUI).

The master's thesis identified and examined in detail influencing factors such as technological trends and the SAP product strategy as well as the company-specific conditions. Several empirical studies were also carried out in the course of the work. If you are interested in the entire Master's thesis and are a DSAG member, you can read the document at, headword: Master thesis SAP-Basis of Tomorrow, request.
A simpler option is to output the transactions used by the expert as a list and to obtain an overview of the task areas. The function block SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES is very suitable for exporting the used transactions in a list. As an alternative, one can directly use the workload monitor in the transaction code ST03N.

Avantra recently became available in the Google Cloud Marketplace. It is worth mentioning here that we have fully containerized the deployment of Avantra here, so each component runs in a separate container. For the database, we use Cloud SQL.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.

Furthermore, the program includes the setup of printers, knowledge of system security and system monitoring as well as transport functions.

The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.

The bottom line is that the system simply needs more attention when operating.
SAP Stuff
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