Management of processes and transports in SAP
SAP license maintenance
SAP Hosting should not be thought of as an off-the-peg suit, but as a made-to-measure suit. For mid-sized companies in particular, it is crucial to first identify corporate goals, technical conditions of the IT architecture and individual requirements. During this planning phase, added value and potential savings can also be identified.
Projects: Your SAP Basis administrator plays a key role in planning and executing system upgrades and migrations. He is also responsible for transport management and tests software updates to ensure they are compatible with the landscape. In addition, he must ensure that they are installed in the correct order.
Hybrid clouds
If you get a tp-step in the cancel message, it is a transport order-independent step whose logs cannot be displayed with logs. In this case, analyse the following files: tp-Step 6: P tp-Step N: N tp-Step S: DS All protocols are located in /usr/sap/trans/log.
Examples of names are: SAP Cross-Application, SAP Innovation & Technology, SAP Services & Innovation, SAP Operations & Innovation or SAP Service Provider & Business Innovator. DESCRIPTION OF OWN PERFORMANCE AND SERVICE PORTFOLIO In order to be consulted by upstream or downstream entities, it is necessary to provide a detailed and understandable description of your service portfolio. This means that it can be explicitly stated in which cases the SAP basis needs to be contacted and involved in order to make the necessary decisions and not jeopardise a project or company success. In addition to the range of tasks covered by the SAP basis, it is also necessary to specify for which tasks and topics the SAP basis is not responsible. This recommendation is to be considered as universal and applies to all IT departments in order to clearly distinguish them and document the performance of their own IT organisation. INTERNAL MARKETING DESIGN AND ESTABLISH Building on the recommendation [A3], it is recommended to design and establish an internal marketing. The aim is to provide a transparent picture of the activities carried out in terms of the company's success and which are not visible to everyone.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.
This also ensures full audit and operational security (compliance).
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on
In the context of the SAP basis, the deployment of an SAP application server for any SAP system can be used as an example.