SAP Basis SAP RFC Gateway Security through secinfo and reginfo ACL files - SAP Stuff

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SAP RFC Gateway Security through secinfo and reginfo ACL files
SAP Decrypt password in less than 24 hours
Overall, the application layer is the link between the database layer on the one hand and the presentation layer on the other. Thus, the applications on the application layer request required data from the database in order to process it afterwards.

SAP HANA (SAP High-Performance Analytic Appliance) is an SAP platform based on in-memory technology. With SAP HANA, you can achieve enormous performance increases over conventional databases that were previously unthinkable. This enables you to analyze and evaluate mass data almost in real time without the need for data aggregation.
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User authentication is usually performed by entering a user name and password. This information is called user credentials and should only be known to the user, so that no third party can gain access to the system under a false identity. This post explains how a user's password protection can be circumvented and how to prevent it. SAP system legacy data The login data of a user, including password, are saved in the USR02 database table. However, the password is not in plain text, but encrypted as a hash value. For each user there are not only one but up to three generated password hashes. Different algorithms are used to calculate these values, but only the Salted SHA1 can be considered sufficiently safe. Table deduction USR02 The secure password hash is located in the fifth column of the pictured table deduction with the heading Password hash value. The corresponding data field in the column is called PWDSALTEDHASH. Weak Password Hash Risks You have a good and working permission concept that ensures that no processes or data can be manipulated or stolen. A potential attacker now has the ability to read out your database with the password hashes. The hash values are calculated using password crackers, which are available on the Internet at home, and the attacker now has a long list of user credentials. To damage your system, the user will now search for the appropriate permissions and perform the attack under a false identity. Identifying the actual attacker is virtually impossible. Check if your system is vulnerable too Your system generates the weak hash values if the login/password_downwards_compatibility profile parameter has an unequal value of 0.

Let me show you how EasyReCert can simplify this process. Automatic representation of employees & role assignment Each user of the application automatically receives the employees assigned to him. In the first step, the user verifies the assignment of the employees assigned to him. In the second step, the user is shown the roles of his employees. It is now possible to mark the assignment of the role as correct or incorrect. Understandable explanation of the roles Often roles have no talking names and for the decider it is not clear which specific permissions are behind a role. The tool offers the possibility to provide a description for each role, which is available by pop-in. Looking up which role has which permissions and which is meant for which is completely omitted. Flags & Criticality The tool offers in its options the possibility to set flags for critical roles and highlight them in particular. At a glance, the decision-makers see that one of their employees has a critical role and can examine it carefully. Since roles are classified differently in each company, you are completely free to decide which roles you want to consider critical. Roll Whitelist Do you want to exclude certain roles from the audit? Or do you want to test only critical roles? The tool offers you a whitelist function for this. This whitelist allows you to include roles that you do not want to check in the recertification process. So you completely decide which roles the tool should take into account. Logging of the results The results of the tests are logged via the application log and can be viewed both by SAP standard means and directly by the tool. It is also possible to export the audit logs or add optional comments to the logs later.

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The log of the test import shows the cause of the error.
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