Adjust tax audit read permissions for each fiscal year
Copy the user from the Clipboard to the Transaction SU10 selection
When creating the permission concept, a naming convention is defined for PFCG roles. Every customer has his own preferences or specifications, which must be adhered to. According to our project experience, some naming conventions are particularly attractive. Naming conventions for PFCG roles can be very diverse. You will have noticed that even the roles provided by SAP do not correspond to a uniform naming convention. So there are roles whose names start with SAP_. There are also roles, such as for the SRM system, that start with the /SAPSRM/ namespace. In this tip we would like to give you some hints and criteria that you can use to help define a naming convention of PFCG roles.
Versions are the change documents within the development environment, for example, for changes to ABAP source code or the technical properties of tables. This authorization should only be assigned to an emergency user.
Compare Role Upgrade Permissions Values
In most cases, customizing is performed using transaction SPRO. However, this is only the initial transaction for a very comprehensive tree structure of further maintenance transactions. Most customizing activities, however, consist of indirect or direct maintenance of tables. Therefore, a random check of the authorization structure in this environment can be reduced to table authorizations. In the case of delimited responsibilities within customizing (e.g. FI, MM, SD, etc.), attention should therefore be paid here to an appropriate delimitation within the table authorizations. Independent of assigned transaction authorizations within customizing, a full authorization on table level combined with a table maintenance transaction such as SM30 practically corresponds to a full authorization in customizing. Normal customizing by user departments generally refers to client-specific tables. Access to system tables should therefore be restricted to basic administration if possible.
An SAP authorization concept is used to map relevant legal standards and internal company regulations to the technical protection options within an SAP system. Authorization concepts are thus the key to optimal protection of your system, both externally and internally.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
When you click Run, all users and the triggers are output to you.
The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.
All documentation should be provided with the essential information (creator, date, version, etc.) and be in a format that cannot be changed (usually PDF).