Analyze user buffer SU56
How to analyze roles and authorizations in the SAP system
SAP's FI module is one of the most common in the SAP world and covers all business processes in the area of finance and accounting. The processes that run through this module are used for double-entry bookkeeping and recording of documents in the required accounts. It also establishes the associated profit determination for external and internal purposes.
If you set the profile parameter dynamically, no users are logged out of the application server. You can prepare maintenance work in good time. The value 2 in the profile parameter does not prevent the login with the emergency user SAP*, if this is not set as user master record and the profile parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar is set to 0. You can also change the value of the parameter again at the operating system level. For details on the SAP user, see Tip 91, "Handling the default users and their initial passwords".
Checking at Program Level with AUTHORITY-CHECK
How is it possible to jump from one transaction to another without checking the eligibility for the target transaction? With the CALL TRANSACTION statement! In this tip, we will explain how you can grant permissions for jumps from one transaction to another using the ABAP CALL TRANSACTION command, or actively determine which checks to perform. The CALL TRANSACTION statement does not automatically check the user's permission to perform the invoked transaction. If no verification takes place in the invoked programme, it must be installed in the calling programme by adding additional features for the eligibility check.
With the help of the SAP-Note 1642106 it is possible to automatically perform the text comparison from SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.0. Inserting the note will automatically perform text matching for any changes to PFCG roles in the central system. We recommend that you install the support package that is appropriate for your release, which is specified in the SAP Note, because inserting the hint requires a lot of manual work. With the help of the SUSR_ZBV_GET_RECEIVER_PROFILES report, you can turn on the new functionality in all subsidiary systems where the correction information has also been recorded. If you run the report in the central system with the default selection, all subsidiary systems are included. You can check whether the function is present in the daughter systems in the report log.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
If the security advice change affects normal programme flow, you should schedule application tests.
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
Do you want users to be able to read or maintain specific tables, but only have access to the table contents that are relevant to them? The S_TABU_DIS and S_TABU_NAM permissions objects allow you to access the tables, but if you want a user to see or maintain only parts of the table, these authorization objects will reach their limits.