SAP Authorizations Calling RFC function modules - SAP Stuff

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Calling RFC function modules
Coordinate authorisation management in customer-owned programmes
Conceptually, the user types Database User and Technical User are distinguished. Database users are users that represent a real person in the database. As soon as a Database User is deleted, all (!) database objects created by this Database User are also deleted. Technical users are users who perform technical tasks in the database. Examples include the SYS and _SYS_REPO users, which allow administrative tasks such as creating a new database object or assigning privileges.

Do you also work in a complex system landscape where roles are decentralised? Then, inconsistencies can occur by transporting profiles from different systems to a target system. We'll show you how to prevent that. In the case of decentralised maintenance of eligibility roles, i.e. maintenance of roles in different systems or clients, there is a risk that the number sequences for the generation of eligibility profiles overlap. You can then generate profiles with the same name for different roles in different clients. As soon as you transport these eponymous permission profiles into a common target system, the profile will be overwritten by the newly imported profile and inconsistencies will arise. As a result, you may, for example, assign an ERP Permissions Role an SCM permission profile. This may result in a user assigned the ERP role not obtaining the required permissions or even too many permissions. You also have a problem if you want to use the permission profile to determine the source system and the client in which this profile was generated. This is not possible if the first and third characters of the SAP System ID (SID) and the number sequence for generating the permission profile match.
Hash values of user passwords
To create a authorization object, you must first select the result area and the form of the result invoice, whether calculating or accounting, for which you want to validate the authorization object. To do this, you must enter the name of the authorization object to be created and click the button (Next). You then set a text for the authorization object and select a maximum of ten permission fields for the object using the Fields button. Only a selection of the characteristics defined for the result area - and for the calculation of the result account also the value fields - is possible. You can now create different authorization objects for the key numbers and characteristics, or you can group the relevant fields into a authorization object. We advise you to define only one object with all relevant fields, as this will facilitate the maintenance of permissions. In our example, we created an accounting authorization object for the characteristics of the profit centre, distribution channel and work in the information system.

When pasting permission field values from the Clipboard, the values are added to the existing entries. You must also separate the value intervals when inserting with the help of the tab stop. If permissions for the individual values do not exist for maintenance, they are rejected, i.e. not taken over. The Insert function from the Clipboard is also available in the dialogue box for maintaining the organisation levels. The Copy to Clipboard and Paste from Clipboard functions are not available if you maintain field values that allow only the selection of fixed values. For example, this is the case in the Activity field.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

If SAP_ALL assignments did occur, ideally these have already been documented and checked.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

Safeguard measures: Lock down the user, change the password, assign it to the SUPER user group and log it with the Security Audit Log.
SAP Stuff
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