Centrally view user favourites
User group can be defined as required field
In the SAP system, passwords are locked when the maximum number of allowed password login errors is reached. This counter is reset with a password each time you successfully log in. In addition, an initial password can be locked when its validity has expired. Both the validity of the initial password and the maximum value for password login errors are set using profile parameters. For details, see Tip 4, "Set password parameters and valid passwords characters". A password lock only prevents a user from logging in via his password, because the number of errors is only evaluated if the login is done by password. If a login is now made via other authentication methods (such as SSO), these are not affected by the password lock. This also applies to internal expiration procedures (such as background jobs) because you do not need to register a password. This prevents, for example, denial-of-service attacks, which first cause a password to be locked in order to block internal processes. Eine Ausnahme von dieser Regel gibt es allerdings: Auch wenn andere Authentifizierungsverfahren genutzt werden, prüft das System, ob der Benutzer dazu in der Lage ist, sich mit einem Passwort anzumelden. Wenn dies der Fall ist und das Passwort gerade geändert werden muss, wird diese Änderung vom Benutzer abgefragt. Diese Abfrage können Sie aber auch mithilfe des Profilparameters login/password_change_for_SSO ausschalten.
Users' favourite lists provide valuable information about the transactions they use. With the knowledge of the favourites, you can therefore avoid gaps in your authorisation concept. In the SAP system, each user has the ability to save frequently used functions as their own favourites. In practice, we have found that this feature is very often used by users. If you create a new permission concept, it is useful to include the favourites in the viewing. Because the favourites don't just store used transactions over and over again, but also transactions that users use only occasionally. These occasional transactions could be quickly forgotten when redesigning a eligibility concept. Therefore, we always recommend that you match the transactions you have considered with the favourites stored in your system.
Assignment of critical authorizations and handling of critical users
Create a message to be displayed to the user when permissions checks fail. The tests in this User-Exit are relatively free. This allows you to read table entries, store data from the ABAP application's memory, or read data that is already there. However, you are limited by the interface parameters of the application. In our example, these are the BKPF and BSEG structures and the system variables. If the information from the interface parameters is not sufficient for the test, you can use your programming skills and knowledge about the interdependencies of substitution and validation in finance to find additional data. The following coding allows you to identify the selected offset document entries that you can find in the POSTAB table (with the RFOPS structure) in the SAPMF05A programme. This way you can find many additional data. It is important that the supporting programme processes the User-Exits.
All external services with their suggested values can be viewed or maintained in the transaction SU24. Access to external services or all CRM functions and data within CRM functions is realised via PFCG roles. To create these PFCG roles, you must first create a role menu. To do this, run the report CRMD_UI_ROLE_PREPARE. You can specify either the name of the CRM Business Role (User Role) or the name of the assigned PFCG role. It is also important that you specify the language in which the PFCG role will be maintained in the appropriate field.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
Since developers, as described, have quasi full authorization through their developer rights, revoking the authorizations listed below can raise the inhibition threshold for performing unauthorized activities, but ultimately cannot prevent them.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page www.sap-corner.de.
This can be achieved by means of the expression and activation of a function block in the BTE, the so-called processes and events.