SAP Authorizations Custom requirements - SAP Stuff

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Custom requirements
A complicated role construct
Last but not least, a well-managed suggestion value maintenance helps you with upgrade work on suggestion values and PFCG roles. This ensures that your changes and connections to the respective PFCG roles are retained and new permissions checks for the new release are added to the applications.

Another important authorization object for background processing is the object S_BTCH_NAM, which allows a user to run the steps of a job under another user (see SM36 -> Edit step). Here, a name other than the user's own can be entered in the user field of a step. The prerequisite is that the job scheduler has an authorization for the object S_BTCH_NAM, which contains the name of the step user, and that the step user exists in the same client as the job scheduler itself. From 4.6C: The step user must be of type Dialog, Service, System or Communication.
In-house role maintenance
You can use the function block level permission check by setting the FUNC value in the RFC_TYPE field in the S_RFC authorization object. If you still want to allow function groups, specify the value FUGR here. Depending on the RFC_TYPE field, type the name of the function block or group in the RFC_NAME field (name of the RFC object to be protected). This extension of the test is provided by the correction in SAP Note 931251.

In addition, you must note that you may not execute this report on systems that are used as a user source for a Java system. This is due to the fact that a login to the Java system will only update the date of the last login to the ABAP system if a password-based login has taken place. Other Java system login modes do not update the date of the last ABAP system login.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

This may be necessary, for example, when booking via interfaces in customer-owned processes, if the booking is to be possible only under certain conditions or on certain accounts.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

To do this, select whether you want to select the user locks as set (01 set) or not set (02 not set) in the selection screen of the RSUSR200 report in the Locking after Lock section of the User Locks (Administrator) field.
SAP Stuff
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