SAP Authorizations Default permissions already included - SAP Stuff

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Default permissions already included
Assign SAP_NEW to Test
Now the SAP system is basically able to encrypt emails. However, the system still lacks the recipient's public key. You can manage the required public key information in the Trust Manager's address book. You can find the address book in the Transaction STRUST menu under Certificate > Address Book. Here you can import individual certificates by selecting the corresponding certificate in Certificate > Import Certificate. To get the certificates for all relevant users in this address book via a mass import, use the example programme Z_IMPORT_CERTIFICATES appended in SAP Note 1750161 as a template for a custom programme.

RFC connections are interfaces for many local and global system processes, but also a security-relevant source of errors for many companies. The RFC interfaces and associated system users often have too strong authorizations and can quickly be misused by unauthorized persons to view sensitive company data. It is therefore important to always keep these system connections in the focus of global monitoring and to check which RFC destinations lead where and what they do. For this purpose there is the program RSRFCCHK which allows you to perform specific tests for your RFC system landscape. On the one hand the content of the RFCDES table is checked and on the other hand the corresponding user properties of the system users are displayed as an overview. Consequently, important parameters such as the target machine, the client, the background user or also the password property can be checked in an overview.
Lock Inactive Users
Cybersecurity is a broad field. Starting with the technical infrastructure of companies and extending to the business processes in SAP systems. Such projects must be well planned and prepared. We have already seen some negative examples of companies that wanted too much at once and then "got it wrong." When it comes to securing business processes in particular, it is important to ensure that the employees affected are picked up and involved. Therefore, use a risk analysis to select the topics and processes that should be at the top of the list when securing.

If the system trace has recorded permission data for this authorization object, it will appear in the right pane of the window. In the left pane, you can see the existing suggestion values. If you notice that you do not have any suggestion values that you think are necessary and have been recorded by the trace, you can set the suggestion values to Yes by selecting the appropriate row, column or field in the right pane and clicking the Apply button. You are free to make any manual adjustments to the field values. Afterwards, confirm maintenance and your changes are saved for this authorization object. Do the same for all other authorization objects.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

However, there are cases where data in the SU22 transaction is maintained in a customer environment.

At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.

This value is set by default.
SAP Stuff
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