SAP Authorizations Deleting table change logs - SAP Stuff

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Deleting table change logs
Dissatisfaction and unclear needs in the process
You use Central User Management and wonder why you still need to evaluate the licence data individually in the attached systems. This does not have to be the case, because a central evaluation is possible! There are licence fees for using SAP systems, and you need SAP licence keys. The amount of your licence costs will be determined during the current operation, depending on the number of users and the features used in the SAP software. The survey programme (transaction USMM), the results of which you transmit to SAP, serves this purpose. Not only the number of users is relevant, but also their classification, the so-called user types. You assign these to the user via the transaction SU01 or the transaction SU10 (Licence Data tab). Alternatively, you can let the user inherit the user type of a reference user or classify it via an associated role. This is done by analogy when you use the Central User Administration (ZBV). So far, there has been no central evaluation of the data of all systems connected to the ZBV. Now this has changed, and we'll show you how you can use this analysis.

What's New from System Trace for Permissions! Here, features have been added that make recording and role maintenance much easier. Permission values in PFCG roles are maintained and debugging requires the use of the system trace for permissions. In the past, SAP customers have asked for more ease of use, since the trace evaluation is sometimes confusing.
User Interface Client Permissions
Authorization tools are a great help in designing a highly automated compliance management system that precisely fits the company's own requirements. The introduction of authorization tools takes some time, but should nevertheless be tackled by companies in order to increase efficiency in the long term and save costs at the same time.

Each roll can be written to any number of transport orders. Information about existing records of the same role by other administrators does not take place.

With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.

In order to clearly distinguish these permissions from the end-user permissions, it is useful to explicitly maintain the permissions for specific background jobs with suggestion values, so that these values can be used repeatedly to maintain permissions and are therefore transparent.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

You can then make full use of this program by importing SAP Note 2069683.
SAP Stuff
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