SAP Authorizations Emergency user concept - SAP Stuff

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Emergency user concept
Role Management
If you want to allow users to access only individual table rows, you can use the S_TABU_LIN authorization object, which allows access to specific rows of a table for defined organisational criteria. A prerequisite for this type of permission is that the tables have columns with such organisational values, such as the work, country, accounting area, etc. You must now configure these organisational values in the system as organisational criteria that represent business areas; serve as a bridge between the organisational columns in the tables and the permission field in the authorization object. Since the organisational criteria are found in several tables, this eligibility check need not be bound to specific tables and can be defined across tables.

Add SAP Note 1433352 to your system. This note ships with the RSAUDIT_SYSTEM_STATUS report. This report documents the current status of the Client and System Modification Settings in an overview, which you can also print out for evaluation if required. The advantage of this report is that pure display permissions are necessary to execute it.
Define a user group as mandatory field in the user root
In order for these FIORI apps/tiles and groups to be displayed, the corresponding authorizations must be made on the basis of a group and catalog assignment. These are assigned via specific groups, which in addition to the normal authorizations (such as create, change, display cost centers) also assign access to the appropriate FIORI Apps.

If you want to maintain authorizations and profiles manually, you need to know all SAP authorization components in detail. When using the Profile Generator, on the other hand, you do not need such detailed knowledge. This considerably reduces the time and effort required to implement the SAP system.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

This may include, for example, risks or expenses due to change and the corresponding tests in a productively used business process.

At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.

Set a specific acronym or character to indicate whether your role has critical accesses so that separate assignment or approval rules can be observed for such roles.
SAP Stuff
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