SAP Authorizations Features of the SAP authorization concept - SAP Stuff

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Features of the SAP authorization concept
Advantages of authorization tools
S_PROJECT authorization object: The S_PROJECT authorization object enables you to work with customising projects. You can modify, view or delete projects, maintain status information, project documentation, and perform project evaluations.

The customising parameters in the table PRGN_CUST control the password generator in the transactions SU01 and SU10. The values of the profile parameters override the customising parameter entries to prevent invalid passwords from being generated. If the value of a customising parameter is less than the value of the corresponding profile parameter, the default value of the customising parameter is drawn instead. The same is true if no value is maintained. You can exclude certain words or special characters as passwords by entering them in the USR40 table. In this table you can enter both specific passwords (e.g. your company's name) and patterns for passwords (e.g. 1234*). '*' stands for any number of additional characters (wild card) and '?' for any character. However, when maintaining the USR40 table, note that the number and type of entries affect performance.
Maintain batch job suggestion values
Remove improperly defined SAP Orgebene ($CLASS): This function deletes the $CLASS organisational level that was incorrectly delivered with the GRCPlug-in (Governance, Risk and Compliance). Use the test mode of the report to look at possible corrections in advance.

The chapter on authorization recertification should also be defined in the authorization concept, which is documented in writing. This refers to a regular review of the assigned authorizations in the SAP® system, to be performed at least once a year. In the course of this process, the responsible departments should review the assignment of the respective roles to users in their area and critically scrutinize it once again. This process ultimately ensures that users only have the authorizations in the SAP® system that they actually need. It must therefore be defined in which time period and in which form the departments must receive the information about the assigned authorizations and report back regarding the correctness of the assignment. During preparation, it is therefore necessary to check whether the process has been carried out in accordance with the internal specifications, but also in accordance with possible suggestions for optimization made by the auditor, and whether all the evidence is stored ready to hand for the auditor.

However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".

The IT auditor's findings and comments that show potential for improvement in IT-relevant processes or system settings are particularly essential.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

So you should always adjust the maximum size of the file to your needs using the parameters rsau/max_diskspace/per_file and rsau/max_diskspace/per_day.
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