SAP Authorizations Get an overview of the organisations and their dependencies maintained in the system - SAP Stuff

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Get an overview of the organisations and their dependencies maintained in the system
Displaying sensitive data
The password lock is not suitable to prevent the login to the system, because it does not prevent the login via single sign-on. Learn how to safely lock the system logon. The SAP system distinguishes several reasons for blocking. Therefore, sometimes there is confusion when a user is still able to log on to the system, e.g. via Single Sign-on (SSO), despite the password lock. We explain the differences between locking passwords, locking and validity of user accounts, and validity of assigned permissions in the following.

You can find the report RSUSR010 in the User Information System under the entry Transactions > Executable Transactions (all selections). You can run the report for users, roles, profiles, and permissions as described above. We will describe the evaluation for the users below (see figure next page above); for the other selection options, the operation of the report is analogous. The RSUSR010 report identifies all transactions that a user is allowed to start. In the list of executable transactions, you can then double-click on the transaction (for example, PFCG) to view the list of authorization objects and values for that transaction.
Authorization Analysis
You should not grant large permissions for the SCC4 and SE06 transactions to internal and external auditors, just so that they can see the system modifiability. We present the report, which only requires the permissions a auditor usually has to view the system modifiability. There are several people who want to view the system modifiability settings in your system for specific reasons. These can be internal auditors, auditors or developers. The display of these settings, e.g. via the SCC4 or SE06 transactions, is not in itself critical; However, this has previously required permissions that are not usually assigned to the group of people just described. Since SAP NetWeaver 7.0, there is also a report that shows the system modifiability settings. This report requires only viewing permissions that can be assigned to the above-described group without any concerns. We present the application of this report and the required permissions here.

Make your IMG projects more secure. We show you how to create customising permissions for individual projects or project views, thereby limiting access. With the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG), there is a tool that allows you to customise your SAP system to suit your business needs. You can manage access to projects in the IMG via customising permissions and thus limit the user circle. You grant the members of an SAP project team the permissions they need to support the project. Below we show you how to create customising permissions by mapping to the IMG projects.

During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.

He decides whether changes need to be made to the building, whether privacy hedges need to be planted in the garden or whether superfluous old appliances need to be disposed of and, if necessary, has a new lock installed immediately if the front door key is lost.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

Customising roles are temporary because of their project nature.
SAP Stuff
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