Implementing Permissions Concept Requirements
In-house role maintenance
The first two problems can be solved by inserting the correction from SAP Note 1614407. The profile data will not be added to the bill of materials at the time of the roll recording but only when the transport order is released. This ensures consistency between the role's permission data and its profile data. The shared transport job also contains the complete history of changes to the profiles and permissions, so that obsolete data can also be deleted in the target systems.
Not all users should be able to log on to the application server during your maintenance? Use the security policy and a new profile parameter. When you are performing maintenance work on your SAP system, it is always necessary to prevent users from logging into the application server. This often excludes a small group of administrators who are still allowed to log on to the system. Until now, users had to be locked and the group of administrators excluded from this lock. This is now easier by using the security policy in combination with the login/server_logon_restriction profile parameter.
SAP license optimization
If the system trace has recorded permission data for this authorization object, it will appear in the right pane of the window. In the left pane, you can see the existing suggestion values. If you notice that you do not have any suggestion values that you think are necessary and have been recorded by the trace, you can set the suggestion values to Yes by selecting the appropriate row, column or field in the right pane and clicking the Apply button. You are free to make any manual adjustments to the field values. Afterwards, confirm maintenance and your changes are saved for this authorization object. Do the same for all other authorization objects.
Entry into role maintenance requires the transport permission (S_USER_AGR, ACTVT = 02) in addition to the modification permission (S_USER_AGR, ACTVT = 21). If role recording requires creating new transport jobs or tasks, you need permissions to the transport objects (e.g. S_TRANSPRT with TTYPE = CUST or TASK and ACTVT = 02).
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
With apm Suite, you can put together your individual GRC/SOX-compliant solution for SAP authorizations as needed.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page
When you are performing maintenance work on your SAP system, it is always necessary to prevent users from logging into the application server.