SAP Authorizations In the transaction, select SU10 by login data of users - SAP Stuff

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In the transaction, select SU10 by login data of users
Authorization check
In the beginning, the FI and CO modules were separated from each other. Both modules have been combined by SAP as higher-level modules in the accounting area. The main reason for this is the tight process structure, which enables a smooth transition between the two modules. As a result, SAP FI and CO now only appear as the joint module SAP FICO.

Have you ever tried to manually track who among the users in your SAP system has critical authorizations? Depending on your level of knowledge and experience, this work can take a lot of time. If audits have also been announced, the pressure is particularly high. After all, it is difficult to fulfill all requirements regarding SAP authorizations manually.
Lack of definition of an internal control system (ICS)
Last but not least, a well-managed suggestion value maintenance helps you with upgrade work on suggestion values and PFCG roles. This ensures that your changes and connections to the respective PFCG roles are retained and new permissions checks for the new release are added to the applications.

After you have determined the data for the website, you must now generate the initial password and send it by e-mail and unlock the user if necessary. There are also different solutions - we describe a possible course of action. You can generate a password using the GENERATE_PWD import parameter of the BAPI BAPI_USER_CHANGE. The generated password is then set as the initial password and must be changed at the next login by the user. You must also set the PASSWORDX import parameter to display a password change. The generated password is returned using the export parameter GENERATED_PASSWORD. This is required if you want to call the BAPI BAPI_USER_CHANGE from a central system (e.g. from the ZBV) and send the relevant e-mail from that system. You should never save this password, but include it directly in your application in an email. Subsequently, you send this e-mail to the user whose e-mail address you can determine either directly in the SAP system (parameter ADDSMTP of BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL) or within the scope of your web application (e.g. from the AD). Even if you find the email address in the AD, we advise you not to send the email from there. To avoid the password being unnecessarily transferred, it is better to initiate the despatch within your central SAPS system. In addition, we strongly advise you to send the emails encrypted with the initial passwords. To do this, the implementation of your self-service must set the encryption flag when creating the email. We describe details about the encryption of emails and an alternative sending of the initial password directly from the affected SAP system in Tip 98, "Encrypt emails".

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

You can also use the trace to search only for permission errors.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

Before you set the USER_GRP_REQUIRED switch, a user group must have been assigned to each existing user and the administrators must have the permissions for the default user group.
SAP Stuff
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