SAP Authorizations Making the RESPAREA responsibility the organisational level - SAP Stuff

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Making the RESPAREA responsibility the organisational level
Dialogue user
It must be clarified in advance what constitutes a recognized "emergency" in the first place and which scenarios do not yet justify activating the highly privileged user. In addition, it may only be approved and activated after a justified request and only under the dual control principle. After use, it must be administratively blocked again immediately.

The same applies to the concept of data ownership. Here, a person takes responsibility for the data of a certain scope (e.g., SAP system X or system landscape Y) and looks after it as if it were his own precious possession. He or she conscientiously answers questions such as "May data be changed / viewed / deleted?", "How is action taken in the event of a data leak?", "Who may access the data and how, and what may be done with it?".
Integrate S_TABU_NAM into a Permission Concept
For a call of transactions from SAP ERP from the SCM system to work, the RFC connection to be called for each ERP transaction must be maintained. To do this, click the More node details button and select the Target system item.

When creating the PFCG individual roles in the respective SAP system, you should create the menu structure so that they can be combined with other individual roles in a single role. Once you have created the individual roles with the correct role menu, you can assign them to a collection role. Add the Role Menu to the Collect Roll using the Read Menu button. The menu can now be finally sorted. If changes to the roll menu are necessary, however, you must first make them in the individual rolls and then remix them in the roll roll (using the Mix button, see figure next page above). Transactions from other SAP systems such as SAP CRM, SAP SCM etc. can also be integrated into the NWBC. To do this, you first create the PFCG role for the relevant transactions in the target system. From the individual roles you can create collection roles with a defined menu structure.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

Modified SU24 data is detected and must be matched manually.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

A nice example is permission concepts that summarise all organisational levels in value roles or organisational roles.
SAP Stuff
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