Optimise trace analysis
Deleting versions
Now, if you want to use the debugger, you can set a Session Breakpoint directly from the source code via the button. Once you call the application and reach the relevant point in your code, the debugger starts and you can move through the programme step by step. Make sure to set external breakpoints via the button if you are calling your application via the browser rather than via SAP GUI.
How to maintain security policies and map them to your users is described in Tip 5, "Defining User Security Policy." You need a separate security policy for administrators to implement this tip, which is often useful for other reasons. In this security policy, you then set the policy attribute SERVER_LOGON_PRIVILEGE to 1. For example, you can also include the DISABLE_PASSWORD_LOGON policy attribute setting, because administrators often want to be able to log in with a password on the system.
Archive change document management for user and permission management
System trace - Transaction: ST01 or STAUTHTRACE - There is also a system trace for an evaluation. Unlike the authorization trace, a system trace is mainly designed for short periods of time. My preferred variant to call the system trace is via the transaction STAUTHTRACE. Here you can filter the evaluation directly and get a better evaluation representation. Over the individual Buttons one can switch directly the Trace on or off and display the result of the Trace.
Many companies are currently converting their current SAP systems from an ERP state to an SAP S/4HANA system. Through this conversion, many technical and also organizational components come upon the respective companies. The time factor for determining, organizing and implementing the necessary components should not be underestimated. The area of security is often neglected in thought, but can lead to major problems and possibly image-related damage - and resulting financial losses - in retrospect. For this reason, the implementation of a comprehensive authorization concept should be considered as early as possible in the project phase, as several components are intertwined here.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
You can create them in accordance with your audit requirements.
At www.sap-corner.de you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
In this case, also note that the default user group will be assigned in the daughter systems if no user group has been distributed during the user's installation from the ZBV.