Assignment of critical authorizations and handling of critical users
Determine if all recurring external services corresponding to area start pages and logical links have been removed from the GENERIC_OP_LINKS folder. Create a separate PFCG role for this folder. This PFCG role could contain all the basic permissions a user must have in SAP CRM. This includes the permission for the generic OP links. You can transfer this folder to a separate PFCG role by locally specifying the PFCG role that contains the GENERIC_OP_LINKS folder in the new PFCG role under Menu > Other Role >. Now maintain the PFCG role so that only the UIU_COMP authorization object remains active. Disable any other visible authorization objects. These are the authorization objects that allow access to data. You can maintain these authorization objects in the PFCG role, which describes the user's workplace. In the PFCG role that describes the desktop, you can now delete the GENERIC_OP_LINKS folder. If you remix the PFCG role, you will find that many of the unnecessary permissions objects have disappeared.
The next step is to evaluate the usage data; here the monthly aggregates are typically sufficient. These include the user ID, function block, and number of calls. For an overview of the usage data already stored in the system, see the SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_DIRECTORY function block (GET_DIR_FROM_CLUSTER = X input parameter). The actual downloading of the usage data is then performed using the function block SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES.
Analyse and evaluate permissions using SAP Query
For each area, the connection to other modules is the first priority. For example, for the Controlling division, the connection to the Finance division is first established by connecting the accounting area (FI) to the cost accounting area(s). The assignment of the cost accounting area to the result area is then an internal allocation within the controlling. If no allocations are found for certain valid organisational values, one of the two modules or the relevant functional area shall not be used for the organisational units of the enterprise.
The panel menus also simplify the maintenance of permissions to the audit structures. You can select the audit structures or area menus you use in role editing and import them into the roles as menus. If you want to set up a constraint on AIS users to specific audit structures or protect individual audits from access, you can use the S_SAIS authorization object. This object controls access to the audit structures or the audit numbers of individual audits.
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
Some of the transactions and reports included in the SAP_AUDITOR_TAX collection role have also been expanded to include a logging of the call parameters to allow the taxpayer to better understand the auditor's audit trades.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
The Maintenance Status and Update Status columns provide information about the status of the permission and how the permission has been updated.