System Security
Consolidate user-level role mapping
To do this, first define what information should be checked. In the SU20 transaction, verify that the required fields may already exist as permission fields. If you want to check custom fields, you must create your own permission fields in the transaction SU20. Please pay particular attention to the (F4) help provided. When defining customised permission fields, you assign a name in the Field Name field that is in your Customer Name Room and assign the corresponding data element and, if desired, a table name for a value help. The next step is to create your own authorization object and assign your permission fields and, if necessary, default permission fields. If you use the ACTVT field to validate the activity, you must use the Activities allowed button to select the activities that you want to validate from the source code of your programme. For recommendations on the naming conventions for authorization objects, see SAP Note 395083.
Finally, you can extend your implementation of the BAdIs BADI_IDENTITY_SU01_CREATE and pre-enter additional fields of the transaction SU01. To do this, complete the appropriate SET_* methods of the IF_IDENTITY interface. For example, it is possible to assign parameters that should be maintained for all users, assign a company, or assign an SNC name.
Once you have archived the change documents from the User and Permission Management, you can use a logical index for change document properties to significantly improve performance. First, however, you must ensure that SAP Notes 1648187 and 1704771 are installed in your systems. These notes provide the SUIM_CTRL_CHG_IDX report, which adds key characteristics for change document characteristics of the PFCG and IDENTITY object classes to the SUIM_CHG_IDX table when you have marked the Indices key change documents field. All change documents are indexed (this can lead to a very long run time when the report is first run). Later, the newly added change documents are indexed regularly (e.g. weekly or monthly). To do this, specify the target date in the selection of the report and schedule it as a regular job. Note that you can only create the index until the previous day - otherwise inconsistencies may occur.
You can use authorization objects to restrict access to tables or their content through transactions, such as SE16 or SM30. The S_TABU_DIS authorization object allows you to grant access to tables associated with specific table permission groups. You can view, maintain, and assign table permission groups in transaction SE54 (see Tip 55, "Maintain table permission groups"). For example, if an administrator should have access to user management tables, check the permission status using the SE54 transaction. You will notice that all the user management tables are assigned to the SC table permission group.
For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.
Here you also decide whether and how the tables can possibly be maintained in the productive system.
At you will also find a lot of useful information on the subject of SAP authorizations.
If the role assignment of the ZBV in the SCUM transaction is set to global, it is sufficient if the correction is recorded in the central client.