SAP Authorizations Unclear responsibilities, especially between business and IT - SAP Stuff

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Unclear responsibilities, especially between business and IT
Make sense in maintaining proposal values
By clicking on the Registration Data button, you start the RSUSR200 report and you enter the selection mask. This report allows you to select users by login data. You can also determine if a user has changed his initial password. You can select a predefined variant from the catalogue using the button (Get variant) or the key combination (ª) + (F5).

SAP authorizations control the access options of users in an SAP system - for example, to personal data. Secure management of this access is essential for every company. This makes authorization concepts, authorization tools and automated protection of the SAP system all the more important in order to meet the stringent legal requirements with little administrative effort.
System trace function ST01
This report checks the customising of the CRM business role for which the PFCG role is to be created, and writes all area start pages and logical links to a text file in the form of external services. This text file is stored locally in the SAP folder under c:/User//SAP. On the Menu tab of the PFCG role, you can upload this text file from File by selecting Menu > Import.

You are using the SAP_ALL profile for interface users, and after upgrading to a new Support Package, do you get permission errors? While we cannot recommend using the SAP_ALL profile, we describe how you can resolve this problem in the short term. In newer SAP NetWeaver releases, the SAP_ALL profile no longer contains permissions for the S_RFCACL authorization object. This can lead to permission errors, such as for interface users who have the SAP_ALL profile assigned to them. Please note that we can only recommend using the SAP_ALL profile for absolute emergency users. Therefore, instead of applying this tip, you should preferably clear the permissions of your interface users. To learn how to do this, see Tip 27, "Define S_RFC permissions using usage data." However, such a cleanup of the privileges of your interface users cannot happen overnight. Therefore, we will explain how to resolve the issue in the short term.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

Therefore, we will show you the settings you can make when configuring the Security Audit Log.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

The checks allow incorrect authorizations to be identified and rectified without a redesign.
SAP Stuff
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