SAP Authorizations User Information System (SUIM) - SAP Stuff

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User Information System (SUIM)
Activity level
We therefore recommend that you schedule a background job on the PFUD transaction, which performs a regular user comparison (see Trick 17, "Schedule PFUD transaction on a regular basis"). By the way, did you know that the auth/tcodes_not_checked profile parameter enables you to disable the transaction startup permissions for the SU53 and SU56 transactions? To do this, enter the value SU53, SU56, or SU53 SU56 for the profile parameter. This means that the end user no longer needs the permissions to run these transaction codes from the S_TCODE authorization object.

In order to transport this table entry, you must go to the object list of the transport order in transaction SE09 and manually create an entry there with object key R3TR TABU KBEROBJ. Double-click on the key list, and you will be taken to the care image where you have to create an entry with *. This will transport all entries in the KBEROBJ table starting with a space. You must then move the RESPAREA field to the organisational level. Please follow the instructions in our Tip 49, "Add New Organisation Levels". If you use more than one Cost Centre or Profit Centre hierarchy with inheritance logic for the permissions, you must set this in the Customising cost accounting circles through the transaction OKKP. There you can decide in the year independent basic data which hierarchies you want to use. In the basic data for the year, you then define which hierarchies should be used per fiscal year. You can use up to three hierarchies for entitlement award for cost centres and profit centres.
User Information System SUIM
Over the course of time, many companies experience profound changes in the framework conditions that significantly influence SAP® authorization management. Not uncommon are subsequent requirements from the area of compliance (SOX or similar) or the increased need for protection.

Every large company has to face and implement the growing legal requirements. If the use of an authorization concept is to be fully successful on this scale, the use of an authorization tool is unavoidable. For medium-sized companies, the use of an authorization tool is usually also worthwhile. However, decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

For your programmes, you should create custom permissions checks by default and manage them accordingly.

The website offers a lot of useful information about SAP authorizations.

The goal of an authorization concept is to provide each user with the appropriate authorizations in the system individually for their tasks according to a previously defined rule.
SAP Stuff
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