SAP Support Explore business opportunities and develop working prototypes - SAP Stuff

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Explore business opportunities and develop working prototypes
A central point of contact with regular, clear coordination
If a failure occurs, we commit to fix it or find a temporary solution within a strict timeframe defined by the SLA. With critical functions of the system this can even be 4 hours!

We provide information technology support for SAP solutions. We grant access rights to SAP information resources. We update the SAP versions and handle incidents (with highest priority — 24/7, 7 days a week). We perform the licence checks, check the application quality of the SAP licence and help get the system up and running.
Expert help - anytime, accurately and anywhere
In April and May 2014, the German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG) e. V. interviewed 389 members on the topic Maintenance/Service & Support. Key findings are: The use of Standard Support and Enterprise Support remains the same in German-speaking countries. Enterprise Support requires more information about the benefits. DSAG members are largely up-to-date with their ERP systems. Over half use the latest versions of the Enhancement Packages. DSAG Survey SAP SupportThe relationship between Standard Support and Enterprise Support is, as in previous years, almost balanced. Austria deviates here with a significantly stronger use of Enterprise Support. "In German-speaking countries, users deliberately choose a support model and stick to it. The value is stable over the last few years and the readiness to change is low," comments Andreas Oczko, DSAG's Executive Board Member Operations/Service & Support. Only two percent of the support experts surveyed rely on third-party providers. Without a maintenance contract, one percent of the participants will be paid.

Today, many companies still know that SAP users primarily only know the SAP interface they work with on a daily basis. If there is a problem that SAP users cannot solve themselves, they must report it and hope for quick help.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" allow for a quick fix in SAP support.

This then indirectly affects all future maintenance projects where the use of the Maintenance Planner is indispensable.

We also provide advice on these issues.
SAP Stuff
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